The GLOWDEGA is Open
2020 has been such a strange year. To recap, I quit my day job in January to run Fairy Glow Mother full-time. Got featured in the Washington Post. My last day working for someone else was February 28, 2020. The first two weeks of March working for myself full-time was scary but fulfilling! I was finally my own boss! And then, BAM!, a global pandemic hit. The state of California shut down on March 18, 2020 which happened to be the same day I moved my studio to Oakland. Yeah. These past few months have been rough.
Something about surviving a global pandemic and still having to pay bills while not making money just didn't sit right with me. So I opened up a few virtual consultation options but here's the thing about virtual consultations: I hate doing them. It's like cheating myself out of the joy of doing what I love most which is performing actual services. So I did the next logical thing: I created an online store.
Meet the GLOWDEGA: a bodega for skin care. In addition to some of the popular brands you're familiar with, I will also be carrying exclusive professional lines and releasing select Fairy Glow Mother merch.
Existing studio clients were emailed invites to create an account. Once you accept the invitation, you have full range to shop the entire site. There is a known issue with Microsoft-related email addresses not receiving the account invites. So if you have a Hotmail, Live, Outlook, or other Microsoft-owned domain, send an email to with an alternate email address and I'll get you hooked up.
New items are added weekly. Please purchase so that I can have my living room back. Love you!